Thursday, December 2, 2010

Collective exhibition Christmas

Do not miss my next Christmas collective exhibition. Vernissage will take place on 13th December at 19:30 at BCM Gallery!
No us perdeu la meva propera exposició col.lectiva de Nadal. El Vernissage serà el 13 de desembre a les 19:30 a BCM Gallery.
Bailen 134, 08009 Barcelona

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Finally the marbles are finished!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

cocktail and crêpes

Ja podeu veure el nou quadre "cocktail" a la Creperie Bretonne!

You can see already the new work "cocktail" at the Creperie bretonne!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crepes and Art!

Ara podeu visitar la meva primera exposició individual mentre degusteu una crepe, a la Creperie Bretonne de Barcelona, Balmes 274. Programada durant un any ó fins que es venguin tots els quadres :-)!

Now you can see my first individual exhibition while enjoying a crepe, at Creperie Bretonne in Barcelona. Programmed during a whole year, or untill all the paintings are sold :-)!


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